Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

This is going to be a VERY brief blog, but I couldn't help but comment on the Royal Wedding -- considering my blog is about women and their castles!

Wasn't the wedding magnificent? Splendid, enchanting, gorgeous, sumptuous, etc.? I even loved the trees lining Westminster Abbey. As one commentator said, the way the trees rose to the sky echoed the buttresses of the ancient building. Wow. And yes, I woke up at 1 am (even though I had to work that day) to see the big event. Watching on my flat screen TV, I felt as if I were there, minus the hat.

Princess Kate has won Prince William's heart, and I must admit, she's won over mine, as well. Independent, intelligent, beautiful, and so self-assured it is almost scary. I mean, the whole world has been watching her every move these past few months, and she hasn't made even one faux pas. She has been compared to Grace Kelly, that other commoner who married into royalty. Which makes me think that we are all capable of being princesses if we hold our posture erect, look great in photographs, and never curse or let our hair down in public!

One thing I just have to mention, though...I was watching a documentary about the wedding, and I was amazed to hear that many, many years ago, before Kate ever knew William, she had cut out a picture of him and hung it on her wall. She was fascinated by him, and wanted to meet him. This is the ULTIMATE vision board!!! (Remember I blogged about vision boards in January?) So how many of you are now furiously flipping through magazines hunting for future kings of England???

Unfortunately, I have many things to do in my teeny weeny castle right now -- including clean the unroyal bathrooms and fold the servant's laundry. I will write more later on the royal couple who are practically perfect. I mean I could go on for days about The Dress!

(By the way, after I clean said bathrooms, I am going to prepare myself a spot of tea!)

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