Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In the Moment

This morning I watched an elderly couple eat breakfast. Wow! Things are really exciting in Cheryl's life, you might say! Snore city. But wait...

I watched them "live in the moment," so to speak. I was alone at my favorite local hangout, The Corner Bakery, eating my old-fashioned oatmeal with toast and coffee. All around me were people coming and going, talking, chewing and hurrying about. A few tables down, however, this couple sat calmly enjoying their breakfast (also oatmeal -- we are kindred spirits in the oatmeal department). The woman, well-groomed and tiny, often set her spoon down in between bites. Several people ate their much larger breakfasts and left the restaurant in the time it took these two seniors to finish their food.

It is a well known fact that not only do people eat less when they eat slowly, but they also enjoy what they eat more. "Savor" is the word I'm looking for. But it is not just about food. Too often we rush through life and forget to savor the moment. Admittedly, I am terribly guilty of this misdemeanor, as I rush from one appointment to another. I try not to overbook my day, and leave gaps between my plans, but often my best intentions run amok. Case in point: I love to write, but these past few months have been so incredibly hectic, I haven't allowed myself the time to sit down and scribble a bit. When I haven't been busy working, volunteering, shopping, house cleaning, or spending time with my family, I have been too tired to do anything but open my book of Sudoku and veg out.

Another confession: often when I am alone all I can think about is the future -- all the things I want to do (write a book), the places I want to visit (you name it), the furniture I want to buy (a sofa and a hutch). Quite honestly, I forget to notice how nice a day it is outside, or how lucky I am to live in a place where I can take long walks amidst trees and sunshine, or even have the precious time to be able to walk at all!

This couple, innocently taking their time to enjoy their breakfast (and each other--did I mention that he took some vitamins out of his pocket and offered one to her--isn't that adorable?) while the world whizzed around them, inspired me to begin writing anew. To take my time and enjoy the moment, as I am now, and do what I love to do. Just me and my lap top.

Outside the wind is kicking up. I love the sound the wind makes as it tosses the leaves to and fro. My window jostles a little, too. In the distance, a train passes by, blows its horn. My son, back home from college, is asleep in his newly-decorated man cave. My daughter is at school. A few stuffed animals are strewn on my bed. The laundry needs to be done, I need to return movies to Blockbuster, fill up the gas tank, pick up something for dinner, etc... My hair is a mess, as usual. Life is good in this itty bitty moment.

Enjoy your day!

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